



再次呼吁请叫我poet。或者laureate. 这首伟大诗作的题目叫:How Great It Would Be to Have Two Boyfriends.


How great it would be to have two boyfriends:

One for the days, and one for the nights.

One for the crazy parties and one can read,

at the fireplace in a cozy hut.

One is a selfish, pretty, narcissistic teenager,

The other a Josiah-Royce-like professor.

One always treats me in a heartbreaking way,

The other kisses the ground where I stay.

One’s the S, the other the M;

One’s the basement, the other the roof.

And here’s the story’s best part——

They both know each other exists,

and thus you can never call it cheat.


8 Responses to “唉,poet呀~”

  1. to 鹰眼樱桃 says:

    我是看了你的留言后才顿悟上面那位同志说的“Do not reserve”就是《不留》……

  2. to Hoff says:

    Your lines don’t 押韵,
    That’s why you are not a 湿人~

  3. 鹰眼樱桃 says:


  4. Anonymous says:


  5. Anonymous says:


  6. WY says:


  7. hoff says:

    Could it remind me of some familiar words,
    Had been sung by your idol called “Do not reserve.”

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